619A Electra St.
East Albury New South Wales 2640
When calling for a reservation, the best way to contact us is by phone. We do check our emails, but because of our busy schedule we can't always get to them instantly.
Therefore, please call 0412 738 542 for faster service.
Contact Details
Primary Contact: 0412 738 542
Secondary Contact: 0421 338 542
E-mail: reception@jacarandaaccommodation.com.au
Jacaranda Accommodation
PO Box 3152
Khancoban, NSW, 2642
Accommodation Addresses
619B Electra St.
East Albury New South Wales 2640 -
305 Borella Rd.
East Albury New South Wales 2640
Entry via garage, Electra St
Price Guide
$170.00 per person, for one occupant
Extra person: $20.00 -
Weekly Tariff: 25% Discount (Non peak periods)
Discounts for longer stays
Families: POA